S/Notify is undoubtedly the most comprehensive email encryption solution for Jira and Confluence!
Please note that we have started the DC Approval process and intend on releasing a DC compatible version in the future.
What this means for you:
Any customer running this application on a DC Instance would need to convert their license over to a DC App license if they intend on upgrading to the DC version in the future.
For more information see: https://www.atlassian.com/licensing/data-center-approved-apps#
Before you upgrade S/Notify from 3.0 to 3.1, if you are using the per project or per space encryption feature, please note that we have made some changes to improve the way those emails are handled that were considered ambiguous in the 3.0 version.
Emails that contain references to more than one project are now evaluated in a much more sophisticated way. All references are checked regarding their encryption settings. If different projects or spaces are referred to, yet they do all have the same encryption setting, the email is no longer considered ambiguous.
In other words, only when the referred projects or spaces have contradictory encryption settings, the email is considered ambiguous, and the configuration setting for ambiguous emails is applied.
In addition to this enhanced analysis, a new configuration setting has been added for “other” emails – emails that do not refer to any project or space at all. These types of emails can now be treated independently from ambiguous emails. We recommend that you check your settings after the upgrade to 3.1 to make sure you use the configuration that serves your requirements best.
With release 3.1, S/Notify is capable of including intermediate certificates. If you want to make use of this new feature, please make sure that the necessary intermediate certificates are included in the server key store.
And here’s the complete list of what’s new in release 3.1:
Please send us comments, feature wishes, and any other type of feedback – it is much appreciated!